sunnuntai 15. marraskuuta 2015

Do you want to be happy?

I guess everybody answers yes. And i get that. Maybe my point is that people sometimes forget that actually to be happy you have to work for it. Happiness doesn't come by itself. And you should never take it for granted. Maybe that is the reason why i named my cat as Happiness. Lol.

But yeah, we can build our happiness. We can make those little changes to be more confident and happy. Don't like your job? Try to change the thing what is annoying you or if it is something you can't do anything about, change the place you are working. Find another job. Simple. Well it sounds simple but for sure most of us doesn't have the courage to change our lifes direction. And i get that too. It is nice to be in your comfort zone. But once you realize that you can actually do so amazing things outside your comfort zone you will feel more free about your life. And you start to realize you can affect to your life.

So people, we only have this one life, let's make it worth living for. Have an awesome day, even though it's monday.

- The Girl who is okay

tiistai 10. marraskuuta 2015

Do you know when to give up on trying?

Do you have that one person you just know he is the perfect match for you? I have one. He is the only one i can actually feel calm with, i can sleep without any worry in the world and he is the one who just knows how to react to my craziness. And still, we are not together. We have tried. We are still holding onto each other even though we both have had other relationships. I think us as magnets. We just pull each other closer and closer everytime it feels like we lost everything. And still, we are not together. We might never be again. He is the one i really don't have any bad word to say about. He is the one i can imagine marrying and having kids together. And still, we are not together.

And so here we are again. Seeing and having the best time together. It has been going on about one month already. I feel whole everytime i'm with him. And every minute i'm not with him i'm scared as hell that he has someone else. I know it's stupid. So so so stupid. I have never wanted to be on his way to find happiness. I am actually pretty sure he finds happiness with someone elses company. All i have ever wanted for him is that he can be as happy as possible. But i'm not ready yet to let him go. Well i might never be. And that part is killing me. I might have to face a day when he is marrying another girl. Making another girl feel special like he has made me feel. But i'm just not ready yet.

Do you know when to give up on trying? I don't know. I would like to have some guidance about these stupid relationship problems. So while i'm waiting for a miracle to happen, i'm going to dream on and listen some super cheesy love songs. Because what would be better way for a confused heart to find answers than to roll in my own agony.

Good night to my fellow confused friends out there.

- The Girl who is okay

torstai 5. marraskuuta 2015

Do you respect yourself?

Sometimes i feel like i don't. Clinging on to people who doesn't show their love and care for you are not the kind of people you should call as your friends. Friend is someone who makes you feel cared about and is actually interested about your life and stuff what is going on right now. If you surround yourself with people who doesn't respect you, how can you then respect yourself?
I think it doesn't matter who the people are (your family member, "best friend", people you work with etc) as long as they poison your life, you really should not make the effort to give your time and energy to them. It is important to get along, especually in your work you just have to see those faces even though it doesn't feel good. But in your free time when you should do things that matters to you and makes you feel good, you really should not have toxic people around you. Respect yourself and let people see that aswell, then maybe those poisonous people won't affect in your life so much anymore. The people who are the ones you actually want to hang around are the ones you should remember to show your love and care. Those are the people you should surround yourself. Love yourself and people will love you back. Or that is the thing we hope to happen.
Have a wonderful morning you awesome people out there.

- The Girl who is okay 

tiistai 3. marraskuuta 2015

Do you believe in magic?

And i don't mean like being able to turn someone into unicorn when you're at the same time flying with your talking cat. Such a deep thoughts in the morning train. I have new earphones, music just fills my head and i can't even hear what is happening around me. I kind of love this noise isolation. If i only could have some coffee with me, i would actually call this morning a good one.
But about magic. I think that love is some kind of magic. And connections with people in some kind of deeper level than just "hello how are you im fine ok bye"- kind of way. Somehow i feel like it is kind of a rare thing to find people who you just klick instantly. And that is what i call magic. The feeling you get when you're around people who are in the same level as you are. Magic. And well, being actually in a deep-soul-killing-love. Magic. Love that makes you feel so scared and so strong at the same time. Love that makes you go all crazy and calm at the same time. Love is not just one feeling. It is a combination of all the feelings in a perfect balance. Obviously the balance will lurch every now and then but holding on to those feelings makes you just more and more aware of how to value your love. Pretty cheesy, i know, but these thoughts in this early morning makes me want to listen super cute love songs and imagine myself being happily in a relationship. So, good morning people. Such a deep morning so far. Enjoy your day.

- The Girl who is okay


Do you know what you want to be when you grow up?

I don't. Same question is asked over and over again until you're trying to get some rest in your grave and still someone might say: "Well she didn't ever find out what was her purpose of life". It's messed up. Why can't we just forget to find out what we are supposed to be and focus what we already are? That thought brought me here. Again. Two times before in past 5 years i have tried to come up with a smart and interesting blog. I feel like this one is going to be a failed one too. Again. Third time i start a blog without any idea what is my main topic wich i'm going to write about. Maybe it will come up along the way. Fingers crossed.

- The Girl who is okay